Monday, September 18

Copenhagen, Denmark

Well, I made it out of Amsterdam alive after one more crazy night and walked around Copenhagen, had a good dinner and went to bed early.

Copenhagen is a lot different than the other cities so far. There is a lot more room, the weather is brisk and the people go about their own lives. It is not quite a tourist city as the others seemed. It is a city living on its own terms with Canals, Shopping, and Plazas catering to its own citizens. Dinner at RizRaz consisted of Danish Vegetarian Buffet with a half-liter of lager. 7-elevens were everywhere, thats a first so far in Europe.

The hostel was a 1080 bed tower with a view and modern interior. I slept like a baby as I was due to do after 3 nights in Amsterdam. Being stuck in London and Amsterdam for those days really pressed me for time in Denmark and Sweden and I will miss out on some things. Calling this a disappointment would be an understatement of how I feel about it. However, I am on my 6th country and have 12 more to go. Can't dwell on anything, just have to keep on going.


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