Monday, September 11

Paris, France

Sitting below the Eiffel tower drinking a bottle of inexpensive, yet delicious champagne may sound cliché, but nonetheless I still found it quite enthralling. Every hour the entire tower sparkles by flashing strobe lights affixed to the tower in hundreds of places. After meeting some Canadians, we walked around the Seine River and then I walked an hour (by choice) back to my hotel in Montmartre.

This morning began by seeing the Louvre, which is the most extensive museum I have ever witnessed. The works of art were so amazing that tears came to my eyes no less than three times during my tour of the museum. Departing the museum after about 3 hours I decided to walk north up Champs-Elysées to the Arc de Triomphe, at which I was delighted to learn I could go to the top of it to see vistas of Paris. The largest celebratory arch in the world, commissioned by Napolean Bonaparte, rises 50 metres above the largest traffic round-about on earth. That night I headed for the Notre Dame Cathedral and browsed around the labyrinth known as the Latin Quarter, people watching everyone on the sidewalk cafés. I walked along the river and took some pictures before taking the metro back for an early start tomorrow.


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