Saturday, October 14

Munich, Germany & Dachau Concentration Camp

After arriving in Munchen from Neuschwanstein with a few new friends I checked into my the Wombat City Hostel planning on going out with the bunch of them. However, at the Wombat I met a bunch of other people who were heading out for a night of could I resist. We headed directly for the Hofbrau Haus and drank 1-liter steins until closing time. Already quite acquainted with a hot little Ecuadorian girl from Canada we all headed to another bar which was still open. After a few more drinks we all headed back to the Wombat ...CENSORED... The next morning I had plans with Noah (met at Neuschwanstein) to visit Dachau, the original concentration camp. We hopped on the S-bahn for a quick 20 minute journey to the town of Dachau and made our way inside the complex's walls. As morbid as the history books and movies describe the holocust, nothing can prepare you for the environment of actually being inside a former concentration camp. The film they showed, with actual footage from the events that took place inside the walls is more than moving, it will change your life. All I can say is "holy shit". A few hours was all I could take of the somber Dachau before heading back to Munich to see a little bit of that city. We saw the Glockenshpiel, a clock in one of Munich's main squares which has animated figures dancing and jousting twice a day. After that, Noah and I headed to English Park to watch urban surfing on a river wave. Quite amazing, who knew you could surf in Germany? Then we went to the Chinese Bier Garten to drink a few before heading back to the hostels. The night, my last in Europe, was a quiet, relaxing one. Dinner at the Hofbrau Haus, which has amazing traditional Bavarian food, and then drinks at the three hostels on Senefelderstraße (where Wombat is) was all I could manage before a relatively early bedtime in order to make my flight to Boston in the morning. The next morning I left quietly and went to the airport. A beer in the airport's bier garten (that's right, the airport even has one) before boarding the plane. Its been a long strange trip and as much fun as I've been having I think I'm ready to go home. Next up, in a few weeks, I'm driving to California from Boston, so this year's traveling is not over just yet. Stay tuned for that blog ...


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