Friday, October 6

Hvar Island, Croatia

After the bus stopped in Split I realized it would have taken all night to get to Slovenia so I jumped on the night's last ferry to Hvar Island an hour and a half boat ride from Split. Split felt like a big industrial port-city so I didn't want to spend the night there. Although going to a isolated island for only one night may have not been in the best judgement seeing that I am strapped for time I was rewarded with a beautiful little place where I met some really cool people. On the boat I met a couple from Perth about my age who recommended a the place they were staying to me. Luka Viscovnic's Sobe (70 kune single room). Luka was probably the nicest guy I have ever met who spoke amazing English since his wife is from California and he used to live there. I walked around the old town of this island for a few hours with the couple from Perth, AUS before they turned in. Then I popped into a few bars meeting heaps of cool people from Canada and Australia. After a few drinks I just headed home to get some shut eye; the bars weren't that exciting anyway.
I woke up the next morning to overcast and light rain, but that didn't stop me from jumping in the water for a little swim. I did another quick walk around the old town before checking out ferry times back to mainland Croatia. Since it was October, ferries weren't running so frequently, so my return trip options were limited (only two ferries/day). At the port I met four cool Aussie and Canadian girls who may or may not have been travelling together and had coffee with them waiting for the boat. The ferry ride was fun, playing drinking games and chatting the whole way.


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